Why Print Is Important

Print is still a powerful form of advertising. Find out why you need it. YPD Media of Huntington Beach, California rings in on what you need to succeed.

Marketing is constantly evolving and companies are always brainstorming new ways to stay relevant and create the most effective campaign for their brand and company. Print advertisements have been a prominent form of marketing for years, but many businesses still struggle with the proper winning formula. Many marketing firms recommend that companies begin their print advertisement creation with hiring an expert graphic designer.

Your designer should help you create an ad that stands apart from the other advertisements by making a strong statement. Occasionally it's necessary to rework or rebrand your logo, or other hard copy advertising materials to make sure you and your firm are staying ahead of the game. Whether you're redoing a campaign or creating a completely new feel for your brand, you need a graphic designer that understands your vision and your goals.

Take a look at any glossy magazine and you'll notice gorgeous, full color print ads that comprise almost half of the magazine. Print ads are extremely prominent in magazines, but their not limited to that media outlet alone. Currently, the newspaper industry is a $34 billion dollar industry and fifty-five percent of all people pay more attention to newspaper ads than to ads displayed via the internet. Newspapers provide companies a wide variety of advertising cost points. Your marketing representative will be able to help determine where you should be and whether or not you should be running colored ads, black and white advertisements, half page spreads, or full page advertisements.

Print ads aren't just limited to newspapers and magazines. Designers can design effective posters, banners, flyers, and a wealth of other print media to make sure your business doesn't go unnoticed.

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