Why Man-Chasing Women Chase Men Away: An Evolutionary Psychology Explanation

Evolutionary psychology explains that when women overfunction by chasing men, they, unwittingly, turn men off to them. In this Ask Dr. Love Radio show, Dr. Jamie Turndorf explains how a woman can signal interest and encourage a man to pursue her!

For millions of women, the task of finding a husband feels like scaling an insurmountable mountain peak.

In this show, Dr. Turndorf shows how a woman can get a rest from climbing the male Mt. Everest?

Dr. Turndorf explains that is precisely by hanging up the mountaineering boots and abandoning the uphill trek in search of a husband that women will effortlessly draw their ideal mates to them!

She goes on to lay out the signs that a women is overfunctioning in her mate selection process, and she explains that working too hard at finding a man paradoxically backfires and makes men back away. Her focus in this show is helping women to understand the underlying psychological factors that fuel this pattern and showing how to overcome them--freeing women to become the male magnets they are meant to be!

Hosted on TalkZone.com, AskDrLove with Dr. Jamie Turndorf , is a live one hour radio program airing at 1pm (EST) every Tuesday afternoon. You can also call-in to the show and ask Dr. Turndorf for advice on any of your personal issues. And you can listen to archived shows on TalkZone, BlogTalkRadio, and iTunes.

Dr. Jamie Turndorf is a renowned author, media personality, relationship expert and creator of AskDrLove.com, the Web's premier relationship advice site since 1996, which offers thousands of articles on every imaginable relationship, dating, or sex advice question. You can follow Dr. Turndorf on Facebook and on Twitter @askdrlove.

Dr.Tundorf's advice and methods will improve your love and sex life whether or not you're having problems -- but if you are -- be sure to tune in and even call in to the Ask Dr Love radio show and get help from one of today's top relationship experts. As Dr. Turndorf says, "Knowledge Is Your Key To Happy Relationships!"

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