Who's Who in Timeshare Resales?

Marketing Direct Timeshare Services Executives and Professionals recognized for success and achievements.

Marketing Direct Timeshare Services LLC, of Ormond Beach, FL has been considered for inclusion in the Heritage Registry of Who's Who for Executives and Professionals 2013-2014 edition.

Marketing Direct has been recognized for our success and achievements in past, present position as well as our lifetime accomplishments. The executives at the Registry feels that executives and professionals, like us, have finally attained a recognizable degree of success in our industry and profession of sales and marketing of Timeshare Resale's, now deserve the recognition now more than ever.

The Heritage Registry of Who's Who mission continues to be a recognizable and distinguishable biographical reference publication. The Heritage Who's Who Registry can be referenced in major university libraries throughout North America. In addition the members are profiled and published on their website thereby further enhancing their and our exposure and networking possibilities.

At Marketing Direct Timeshare Services, you have their commitment, backed by many years' experience in the timeshare industry to help market your timeshare for sale. When you list with them, your timeslot or unit will be available to a worldwide audience to make sure it moves quickly. With access to 19 search engines worldwide, their affordable rates and their exceptional one-on-one customer service, you'll be glad you listed your timeshare for sale with Marketing Direct Timeshare Services.

Contact them right now to get the ball rolling to sell your timeshare.

A special thanks goes to the Nominator, Trevor Harrison, Membership Director of The Heritage Registry of Who's Who from everyone at Marketing Direct!

To contact Marketing Direct Timeshare Services LLC
Visit their website: www.marketingdirecttimeshareservices.com
Email: marketingdirecttimeshareservices@yahoo.com
Phone: 877-342-3855