The Aruban Dutch Judicial System Biased Once Again

For over 5o years the Aruban Government signed permits and gave visas to the Dominican and Colombian ladies under false pretense as on these permits the Job description states " Animeer Meisjes" , Which means waitress not prostitutionThe Foxy Lad

For over 5o years the Aruban Government signed permits and gave visas to the Dominican and Colombian ladies under false pretense as on these permits the Job description states " Animeer Meisjes" , Which means waitress not prostitution. However all Government agents and Judicial organs know that these girls are invited to work in Aruba as prostitutes. This is misrepresentation and it is committed by the Aruban Government and accepted by the Dutch Judicial system, Prosecutors office, Judges, the Governor of Aruba and her Majestry Queen Beatrix of the Netherlands Antilles and Aruba. Some poor innocent young girls from Dominican and Colombia have no idea that there is no job offer in Aruba as waitress. They are lied to and take loans to pay for their travel gear, documents and passage to Aruba hoping to pay off this loan with the money made from the waitress job promised to them by the Aruban Government. Once these girls are faced with the harsh reality that they were lied to by the Aruban Government they are forced to turn into prostitutes due to their financial debts. Even more unbelievable is that the Government of Aruba sits back and profits while they collect taxes on these poor exploited girls from Dominica and Colombia.

The Foxy Lady Aruba is one of the many bars in San Nicolas that utilized these visas and invited workers to come to Aruba, however The Foxy Lady Aruba is the only bar that did not accept or allow prostitution in its bar yet The Foxy Lady Aruba bar has been shut down and its workers and associates, including Alex Mathew and Liliana Mathew an American Citizen have been unjustly arrested and put in isolation for over 2 months now without access to the outside world including attorneys of their choice.

Even more astounding is that the Prosecutor Zondervan has refused to release the court files of Alex and Liliana Mathew to their Attorney John Loth and has unjustly and maliciously denied Attorney John Loth access to his clients in the KIA jail.

The Prosecution is setting its own rules and going against all national and international laws, rules and treaties in a last ditch effort to salvage: a case that has been riddled with inconsistencies, flaws and fumbles from the beginning, their reputation and their precious jobs as they severely violate the rights of the workers of Foxy Lady Aruba in their struggle.
This is Mishandling.

Foxy Lady Aruba
O. Isaac Falusi, Esq.

About The Lang Falusi Firm

The Lang Falusi Firm
PO Box 240668
boston , Ma,
