Protein Supplements Are Still the Best Workout Supplement On The Market

Protein supplements are necessary if you want to keep on top of your game when trying to build muscle and lose fat.

There are a number of physical fitness articles on which explain just how important it is to get adequate protein in your diet in order to expedite muscle repair and growth. Most of us do not ingest enough protein on a daily basis to keep up with our body's workout demands, and with the number of different protein supplements on the market, it never hurts to know what's what.

Protein supplements come in many different types. There are nine amino acids (the essential amino acids) that our bodies cannot produce including lysine, tryptophan, and valine. There are a number of different foods which contain all nine essential amino acids including eggs, meat, and soybeans. Even if you follow a vegetarian-based diet, you can still incorporate the nine essential amino acids into your diet with ease by consuming quinoa, buckwheat, and hemp seeds. Vegetarians looking to build muscle mass while maintaining a meat free diet must pay special attention to make sure that their bodies are getting enough of the nine essential amino acids (which are not provided by foods such as nuts and beans).

In order to build muscle on a vegetarian diet (or any diet), it may be necessary to use different types of protein supplements to encourage muscle growth and well-being. If you are not getting enough protein in your diet, you may suffer from muscle fatigue and soreness as it will require more time and recuperation for your muscles to repair themselves. Protein supplements come in many different varieties. Whey protein is popular and comes in several different forms including isolate, concentrated, and hydrolysate. These all differ in terms of how easily the protein is broken down and absorbed by your body through your digestive system. Whey protein tends to break down relatively quickly once it hits your stomach. Casein is used as a protein supplement before you go to bed at night because it takes several hours to break down. Soy, hemp, and egg whites are also good forms of protein.

Adding protein during a workout is also advisable. Your muscles need protein in order to function and recover after strenuous activity. Taking protein supplements while working out means that your body will always have a constant supply of the nine essential amino acids so that you will feel less stress and muscle fatigue. Ingesting protein supplements also decreases your risk of experiencing those blood sugar lows in the middle of a workout and will help to keep your energy up where it belongs. Drinking or eating protein supplements during a workout also reduces your risk for experiencing loss of muscle mass because your body will be metabolising the excess protein rather than cannibalising its own muscles once your stores of glycogen have been exhausted.

The physical fitness articles at can provide you with the best information on the many different types of protein supplements which exist to keep you at the top of your game.