OURewards: Congratulations to The Bandwagon of Sunrise Mountain High School

Group has earned more than $1,000 in their first few months of using OURewards

OURewards (www.ourewards.com), the platform that enables groups to earn money through everyday online purchases, has announced that The Bandwagon - a parent organization that supports the music department at Sunrise Mountain High School in Peoria, Arizona -- is the latest participating group to receive special recognition. With an email list of just 146 supporters, The Bandwagon has earned more than $1,000 in their first few months of using OURewards.

"This really demonstrates the earning potential of our client's Online Mall, and shows how easy it is to use", said Leslie Leonetti, OURewards' Manager of Client Services. "It's great. Here are less than 150 supporters who have really embraced the program - and now they are earning over $100 per week, all to benefit their kid's music education. These are growing families with tight budgets, and they regularly shop online - but now each purchase is making a difference for something they care about."

Through OURewards, groups get their own Online Mall, where supporters can shop at over 200 merchants. Each purchase earns a commission for the group. Each group also gets a web-based Dashboard, updated daily, so they can monitor their earnings and activity.

The Bandwagon is also using the OUReminder app, which periodically sends a short email message to supporters, reminding them to begin every internet shopping trip at their Online Mall.

"We're using the OUReminder app so that our folks don't miss a chance to earn money for the music department," says Kristy Rose, President of The Bandwagon. "For us, this is a really easy way to raise funds. And reaching $1,000 is fantastic, a really great start."

"People are always going to shop online," continues Rose, "so having our own mall for them to use is wonderful. We are looking forward to growing the program even bigger in 2012, as we tell our family, friends and alumni that they have the power to help us in this simple, easy way."

OURewards periodically recognizes participating groups whose programs are showing exemplary success. In this era of reduced funding and extensive cutbacks, OURewards seeks to highlight the fact that organizations of all sizes and types are finding innovative ways to support the good work they do.

"What the Bandwagon has achieved so far is a model for every group that has enthusiastic supporters who want to help." Leonetti says. "Wouldn't it be great if all high school boosters had their own branded shopping mall earning money for the arts, sports, service programs and other much-needed youth activities? The reality is simple: people shop online anyway, and now it can do a world of good."

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