New Contemporary Romance Novel: Love in Touch by Lucy May Lennox

Discover how someone both deaf and blind falls in love. This unique story will prove that love truly is possible for everyone!

Have you ever wondered what the world is like for someone who can neither see nor hear? Lucy May Lennox ushers you into the life of a young man who was born both blind and deaf. For most of us it is difficult to imagine how we would function or how our life would work if we lost two of our senses. In this novel, the reader can learn about this fascinating world while also experiencing a beautiful story of love that transcends all boundaries.

This is a unique story that will prove that love is possible for anyone. Along the way the reader is treated to rich detail about how someone lives with such a severe disability.

Love in Touch offers all the romance of the "wounded hero" genre, but from a more realistic perspective based on research and first-hand experience in the disability community.

Lucy May Lennox is a lifelong resident of the beautiful Pacific Northwest. A connoisseur of novels featuring men with physical disabilities, she grew frustrated with all the cliches, ignorance and stereotypes and decided to write her own positive take on disability.

[Excerpt from Back Cover] "Jake is more intelligent, more genuine than anyone she has met before, and for the first time Kassie starts to feel like her life has some direction. But as their friendship deepens into something more, the difficulty in communicating with each other only grows, and it seems like everyone they know thinks their relationship won't work. How can they come to a deeper understanding of each other and find a future together?"

Pick up your copy of Love In Touch to be amazed and inspired by the depth of the human heart to love past all boundaries.

From publisher Dev Love Press, which specializes in stories about people with physical disabilities.


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