Health And Super Food Revolution Is Taking Place

It is a fact that there is nutrition revolution taking place, and it is happening in supermarkets up and down the country, people are voting with their shopping baskets, choosing healthy organic options over pre-packed processed food.

Ten years ago, when Jamie Oliver was still planning his marriage to Jules, and deboning fish from his trendy London Muse house, their was no way he or anyone else could have predicted the scale of the health eating revolution that was stirring in the loins of a Nation.

The masses of celebrity chefs on TV are partly to thank for this awakening, for this is a consumer lead revolution, driven by a desire to try new exciting flavours and an a growing awareness of nutrition and how it directly effects health.

Consumers are demanding higher quality ingredients to cook with; long gone is the post war era when it was frowned upon to complain about the poor quality food, when cooking was about sustenance and satiety more than nutrition and flavour.

The post war 'baby boomer' generation were quick to reap the benefits of the economic boom in the 80's and 90's. The unprecedented economic growth the United Kingdom witnessed during the Thatcher years bought personal luxuries like second homes and holidays abroad.

Oddly tho, mealtimes did not receive any attention during this period of prosperity, Great British staples continued to be deep fried, and served with chips.

Fast forward to the next millennium, the NHS (National Health Service) is on its knees, a dying relic of a bygone era. The reality of not having a National Health Service is a very real one to the younger generations; this notion inspired and kick started the revolution.

Personal health and lifestyle are positive choices many opt to take, nutritious healthy balanced meals and exercise are all that's needed for anyone to feel great. Never more than now has personal health and quality of life been valued so highly, never before has nutritional awareness been so prevalent.

The quality of nutrition consumed has a direct effect on long term physical health and mental health. Eating a balanced and nutritious diet provides health and stability. A stable psychological outlook helps build well rounded relationships, both personal and professional.

Ease of access to the internet must take some credit for the dietary enlightenment that is sweeping the nation. The search for new and interesting flavours as alternatives to Great British classics has never been easier. Exotic super foods and health products are just a click away, and can be delivered within 24 hours.

Gone are the days when a 'Schwartz' spice rack was a stamp middle class status. Today, foods such as chia seeds, Goji berries and organic varieties of rice from Thailand are common place. Super foods are readily available both online, and from traditional 'High Street' retailers, this is testament to the demands consumers are placing on retailers.

Healthy eating is integral to the attainment of healthy balanced lifestyle and attributable overall happiness. For decades people have ventured to the gym, knowing that exercise is a key part of physical health and well-being. Today venturing out with chia seeds soaked in water or goji berries in zip locked bags is not uncommon. Most people have an understanding of how to be healthy and feel good.

Long may this revolution continue, long may Great Britain continue to awaken from the age of eating unhealthy processed foods.

Demand more from life and ask more from your body; take control of destiny, by eating a healthy diet of fresh green vegetables, and improve your health and happiness.