Gainesville Dentist Helps You Ease Your Tooth Discomfort

When your tooth hurts, relief is often the only thing you can think about. In fact, tooth discomfort is such a distraction, over 25% of adults in America admit to taking time off of work to deal with their dental woes.

Check for Damage
If tooth sensitivity strikes you suddenly, rinse your mouth with warm water and inspect your mouth for blood and/or damage. If bleeding is present, apply pressure with gauze for at least ten minutes, or until the bleeding stops. If your tooth has been cracked, broken, or knocked out, see our article on handling dental trauma to increase your chances of saving the tooth. Otherwise, try these methods to ease your tooth discomfort:

Remedies for Toothache Relief

Chill out-Apply a cold compress, ice pack, bag of frozen peas, etc., to the cheek on top of the offending tooth. The cold will ease the pain and help reduce swelling.

OTC meds-Over-the-counter medications, such as Ibuprofen and Aleve, can help reduce the pain, as well. Be sure to swallow the medication; do not rub the painkillers directly on the tooth. The pills' acidity can eat away at your tooth and irritate your gum tissue, making matters worse.

Cloves-Cloves and clove oil have been used as a natural toothache remedy since before modern medicine. You can apply the spice directly to the afflicted tooth, or rub oil on and around the tooth and surrounding gum tissue. Be sure to use only one or two drops of the oil.

Avoid irritants-Tooth decay is a common cause of tooth sensitivity. To prevent exacerbating the situation, avoid sugary and acidic foods and beverages.

See Your Gainesville Dentist
Regardless of its origin, a toothache should never be ignored. To have your discomfort diagnosed and treated, schedule an appointment with your Gainesville dentist at Tioga Dental Associates by contacting us at (352) 333-1946. We serve patients in Gainesville, Newberry, Jonesville, and surrounding areas.

About Tioga Dental Associates

Tioga Dental Associates
13005 SW 1st Rd
Gainesville Florida,
