Friday the 13th Phobia Is More Common and Worse Than Most People Think.

Friday the 13th Phobia Is More Common and Worse Than Most People Think.

For Release On Friday 13th For Further Information Contact:
Clive Westwood 0413413918

Friday the 13th Phobia is more common and worse than most people think.

As it comes nearer to that date of Friday the 13th there people wanting to be cured of this dreaded rare but very realistic phobia, for most people it's just a day, a movie nothing special, or perhaps at the most a joke if something has gone wrong on that day by blaming on its Friday the 13th, but to a rare few it's a day of dread, a day where they might call in sick to work and stay at home scared that something bad will happen.

Most people hearing this information would think it's based on them watching the movie and being scared by it but this never seems to be the case in my experience in fact it has nothing to do with some movie or that every Friday the 13th they experience something bad, It normally is based on one event in my experience and from that one event every little thing that would happen on a normal day to day issue add up on that day so the mindset of that particular client is Friday the 13th is bad especially when people around them might use it as a joke

The phobia of Friday 13th is much more common that most people think, most people have no idea that such a phobia exist, the fact is that everyone has a phobia of some sort the most common being Heights, Spiders, Snakes or Social Phobia but although pretty rare there are people out there with this phobia and it is as real to them as a phobia of Heights or Spiders

With Friday the 13th it can be one of the worst Phobias out there with the fact that's there is no way to ease up to it or completely avoid it as it is a date unlike a fear of spiders or heights where you can in most cases see a way to avoid them, also with the fact that it is not so common it's hard for a particular person to open up about the Phobia.

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