Catherine Maley Presents at ICAM in Dallas

Catherine Maley invited to speak on Topic: How To Avoid the Unhappy Patient" at the International Union of Lipoplasty meeting on Saturday, February 23rd in Dallas.

Catherine Maley, MBA and Author of Your Aesthetic Practice: What Your Patients Say About You has been invited by the International Union of Lipoplasty to present a talk entitled, "How to Avoid the Unhappy Patient" at their upcoming meeting on Saturday, February 23rd in Dallas, TX at the Renaissance Hotel.

The keynote speaker is Professor Dr. Giorgio Fischer from Italy who invented liposuction 30 years ago. The meeting is focused on new directions in liposculpture and lipografting. "I'm excited to learn what's coming next. Actually, the cruel joke on us humans is that most of us have fat where we don't want it and limited fat where we do want it so it just makes sense to come up with safe, effective procedures to redistribute the fat for a happier us!" says Ms. Maley.

Her presentation will be focused on strategies to not only help ensure patients are happy and satisfied with their result but to do everything possible to prevent them from being unhappy to begin with. Ms. Maley said "Oftentimes, when the patient is unhappy, there is a big difference between their expectation of the result and what the real result ends up being. So much of this can be avoided with good patient education and communication."

This one day course will include topics such as fat grafting, PRP and Orthostatic Liposculpture. Video demonstrations showing Dr. Fischer's personal techniques will be shown to help the attending physicians learn the nuances that lead to a great result.

Meeting details can be found at