Austin Wellness Clinic Now Offers Pro-Adjuster Computerized Technology for Chiropractic Services

Austin Wellness Clinic, a leading holistic healthcare facility, now offers high-tech computer based chiropractic services for safe and precise adjustments.

Many individuals in need of chiropractic services resist seeking treatment because of a disinclination to experience the popping, twisting, and cracking sensations normally associated with manual adjustment. By utilizing Pro-Adjuster computerized technology, practitioners at Austin Wellness Clinic can now execute high-precision spinal manipulations in a gentle, pain-free manner without any accompanying discomfort.

Initially developed by NASA to determine if the bolts of the space shuttle could endure take off and landing, the Pro-Adjuster system uses an electronic sensor to transmit tiny impulses to suspected problem areas in the joints or muscles. Data from the transmissions are immediately relayed back to a computer console and subsequently analyzed to determine the location and degree of adjustment required. Necessary manipulations are then performed via a series of slight taps that yield the desired alignment and eliminate back pain.

"Pro-Adjuster is beneficial to both patients and practitioners," says Dr. Vincent Bellonzi, the head chiropractor Austin Wellness Clinic employs. "Patients who previously found chiropractic adjustment off-putting due to unpleasant popping and cracking have discovered that treatment with Pro-Adjuster is every bit as painless as advertised," he reports. "And from a practitioner's standpoint, the computer helps improve accuracy and efficacy by preventing over-adjustment and other potential problems."

Pro-Adjuster computerized technology is only one component of Austin Wellness Clinic's comprehensive approach to chiropractic services. Before any adjustments are performed, each patient receives a private consultation with a licensed chiropractor to evaluate his or her range of motion and develop a customized treatment plan aimed at restoring proper biomechanics throughout the body. Once a sound strategy has been formulated, doctor and patient work together to reestablish full mobility via adjustments and other noninvasive techniques.

For more information about Pro-Adjuster chiropractic treatments or to schedule a free initial consultation with a specialist, please visit Find Austin Wellness Clinic on Facebook at and/or follow them on Twitter at