Youth Leadership Summit Announced for Pittsburgh: Characteristics of a Leader

The Youth Leadership Summit will be held in Pittsburgh, PA this August. For more information visit

The Youth Leadership Summit will be held in Pittsburgh, PA in August.

When you find yourself in a position of leadership, especially when you are in leadership of young people, you can often find that the idea of being a leader and actually being a leader are two very different things. You may also find out that while you might have thought being a leader was easy, now you are the leader and you feel like you are in over your head. While this can be alarming, it is not uncommon and not without recourse. However, what you will need to know are the Characteristics of a Leader. Learn them, embrace them and be them.

Common Characteristics of a Leader are things like honesty, intelligence, straight forwardness and patience. However, there are a few things that often get missed. As a leader, you might feel the need to lead by example. In many ways people feel that this is the best way to get people to do what you want them to be. In reality, this is a flawed method because people simply following some predetermined steps are not invested in it, they are merely tools.

The best way to lead is not necessarily to get people follow you, but in point of fact it is to get people to join you in your mission. When those people you are in charge of can grasp the vision of what you have seen and begin to believe as you do that your way is the best way to get the job done, you get people who are more enthusiastic about doing a job or completing a task.

There is a significant difference between doing what someone tells you to do and doing something that you believe in. Someone who understands these important Characteristics of a Leader will not only be successful, but the people they lead will in turn be successful as well.

Leadership can be a heavy and ponderous weight to bear sometimes, but the rewards of it can be unlike any positive feeling you have ever felt. But in order to flourish as a leader you need to commit to knowing the Characteristics of a Leader and making yourself into that kind of person. It may not happen overnight, but with some perseverance and work, you can be a leader that you and the people you lead can be proud of.

For more information on the Youth Leadership Summit visit our site at

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