What The Low Cost Company Revealing Web Services Lack

Using just one step for obtaining the most obvious result for the visiting company will result in a lesser service than processing multiple steps which explains the differences in cost.

According to LEADSExplorer the difference in quality of website visitor identification services explains the difference in pricing.

The low cost web services revealing the companies visiting use just one most step in order to obtain the most obvious result for the company name. Some web services even use Google Analytics as their basis which is a far cry from a fully fledged website identification service. Due to this short cut the probability of the results is lower.

In order identifying more companies and businesses, getting a higher probability several iterations are required which results in a higher processing cost. The outcomes from different steps are to be compared in order to present the most likely visiting company.

Although the website is the main presence and communication channel for most companies, it is not the main source of lead generation. This indicates that websites get visited by potential customers but the conversion ration from visitor to lead is minimal. Hence LEADSExplorer will reveal additionally:
- Revealing the companies visiting
- Indicating their interest in products or services
- Showing the level of interest
- Allowing contacting people in these interested companies by email
- Following-up these website leads
- Origin on Internet
- What they are searching for

For each identifiable visitor the service will:
- Show the company name
- Show the search terms used or referencing website
- Display the pages visited
- Give visit information such as time on pages, most visited page, duration of visit
- Indicate the number of returning visits by visitor and by company

More information can be found on the LEADSExplorer website.