Ranger Roofing of Oklahoma - Oklahoma's Premier Roofing Company

Ranger Roofing of Oklahoma is based out of Claremore, OK. They have been serving the Tulsa area since 1998. Whether you are needing a full roof replacement or just a small repair, they are fully prepared to take care of your every need

Ranger Roofing of Oklahoma is based out of Claremore, OK. They have been serving the Tulsa area since 1998. Whether you are needing a full roof replacement or just a small repair, they are fully prepared to take care of your every need. They offer a great labor warranty paired with excellent quality and workmanship, you can't go wrong choosing Ranger Roofing of Oklahoma. They are hail and wind damage specialists. They are professionals at working with most major insurance companies.

Their job management is second to none. They have a quality control supervisor and a site supervisor assigned to every job. After each project is completed and the site is spotless, they send an inspector to do a final quality and installation inspection. This will give you the confidence that you have a perfect roof. You will always have a 24 hour emergency line that you can call if you have any questions.

Their salesmen are well trained in the products and services that they offer. They never use high pressure sales techniques. They believe their reputation and quality vs. price will sell itself. Their salesmen will help you with picking the perfect color combination and a product in you price category.

Here are some of the services they offer:
• Extremely Competitive Pricing
• Roof Replacement
• New Construction
• Gutters
• Hail and Storm Damage Repair
• Experienced Staff and Crews
• Excellent Labor Warranty
• 25 - Lifetime Material Warranties
• Quality Control Inspections
• Final Job Inspections
Ranger Roofing of Oklahoma proudly serves northeast Oklahoma. Currently, Ranger Roofing of Oklahoma is based out of Tulsa, and has been doing most of their roof replacements in the Tulsa and Jenks areas. They are going to be relocating their offices to Claremore, OK in the summer. They are making the move to be able to cover both the Tulsa Metro area and Rogers County.

The staff of Ranger Roofing of Oklahoma plays a big part in the Claremore and Tulsa communities. Serving in many aspects of community events and church projects, you can be confident that Ranger Roofing of Oklahoma holds the highest integrity. The owner, Kody DeWees, lives in Claremore along with his wife Lexi and daughter Haven. They attend church in Claremore at Cedar Point Church.

Ranger Roofing of Oklahoma is a member of the Claremore Chamber of Commerce, and we are happy to serve as a part of the community.
For More Details: http://rangerroofingok.com/

About Ranger Roofing

Ranger Roofing
418 E 4th St
Ranger Renovation,
