Magzter Celebrates Digital Magazine Reading Week

Magzter Celebrates Digital Magazine Reading Week between 24th and 30th September 2013.

Digital magazines have gained immense popularity and acceptance the world over. To mark this significant switch to digital publishing; Magzter, the world's largest and fastest growing integrated digital magazine store and newsstand has initiated a celebratory week dedicated to the same.

Not alone in this endeavor, Magzter has publishers and users from across the globe to thank for being an integral great part of this success. Publishers have hosted their digital magazine content on the Magzter newsstand enabling over 14 million international users to access all of it with a single touch.

To celebrate this phenomenon, Magzter is hosting the Digital Magazine Reading Week between 24th September and 30th September 2013.

During this period, publishers on Magzter are offering upto 75% off on magazine subscriptions. These exciting discounts and deals on magazines are sure to give digital reading a big boost and also increase the number of digital subscriptions.

Check this link for Digital Magazine Reading Week Offer Details - or contact us at usa (at) magzter dot com

Magzter has set up the concept of Digital Magazine Reading Week to work as an annual affair not to be missed by readers everywhere. Several publication houses have come on-board to lend their support to Magzter's newest initiative, indicating a very promising tomorrow for digital publishing indeed.

Contact Us:
Magzter - The Digital Magazine Store
Magzter Inc.,
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