Improve Your Vision with Edmonton Vision Centre Eyeglasses

Edmonton vision centre helps you with series of lens tests (called a refraction) to determine if you need glasses or contact lenses to improve your eye vision.

Edmonton vision centre helps you with series of lens tests (called a refraction) to determine if you need glasses or contact lenses to improve your eye vision.

The expertly trained optometrists will perform the most extensive eye exam, including vision testing and a thorough assessment of your eye health. Vision testing includes a detailed analysis of your vision status with your present glasses, your contact lenses or simply your eyes. It is the first important step in your examination. Then using advanced equipment, they will do a series of lens tests (called a refraction) to determine if you need glasses or contact lenses to improve your vision. If you need a correction, not only can they make you see better, in many cases they can enhance your academic, occupational or recreational performance.

All complete examinations include an eye health assessment with a technique called ophthalmoscopy. This procedure allows the eye doctor to examine the internal structures of the eye. With this scope the eye doctor is able to see the optic nerve, retinal blood vessels and the retina in general. In addition to cataracts, glaucoma, and macular degeneration, many systemic diseases such as high blood pressure and diabetes can be diagnosed.

Digital retinal photos will also be taken to help evaluate your retinal health. The Opticians in Edmonton Vision Centre also perform a painless procedure, called tonometry to measure the pressure inside your eye or intraocular pressure (IOP). This test is important in the detection of glaucoma.

The most important thing you can do to preserve your eyesight is to visit your eye doctor for regular checkups. Like the rest of your body your eyes will change gradually as you age. However, unlike the rest of your body, the eyes rarely hurt if something is wrong. The optometrists in Edmonton Vision Centre will advise you when it's time to be re-examined. So, don't rely on broken glasses or lost contact lenses to remind you of your next appointment. Follow the advice of experts, have your eyes examined on a regular basis.

Edmonton Vision Centre is one of the industry's leading eyewear chains. People love the huge eyewear selection, the prices and the service they find there. Edmonton Vision Centre has a lab in-store which allows them to fill prescription eyeglasses in the same day in most cases.

For more information:

Edmonton Vision Centre

4351-50 St. NW
Edmonton AB, Canada T6L 7E8
Phone: 780-440-9696
Fax: 780-440-9695