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instituted on 4 October 2013 by Digimaniak Soft Solutions Pte Ltd, chunk of Saroj ads. It has reckoned to serve movie lovers of five Indian prime languages like Tamil, Telugu, Malayalam, Hindi and Kannada.
Saroj ads resembles ethics, values and traditions in the minds of clients for its  quality, diligence,  innovation, teamwork, creativity and trend in its delivery. It aims to provide complete package of Indian films, by understanding the needs of audience who tend to know the current status of movie stars and future updates.

website is unique in its own way in presenting high quality images, videos that atrtracts people to stay on the site for more time to grab information. It covers accurate details of latest events, that includes movie news that includes gossips and controversies, new film videos and trailers, music and movie reviews, gallery and wallpapers.

is the right site to keep track on Indain film industry since online media is the faster way to reach movie lovers and movie critics. It provides complete and updated analysis of major film industries like Tollywood, Kollywood, Mollywood, Bollywood and Sandalwood at one platform. team is nurturing to provide entire details of Indian cinema industry time to time and also furnishes with pleasing web surfing experience for viewers. It is stepping ahead to hold the interest and attention of movie lovers.

not only provides entertainment it is also an informatory website and helps audience which movie to watch by saving their precious time.

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