Family Fitness Expert Dishes Out Advice For Home Business Owners And Families Worried About Tough Times Ahead

Families and home business owners concerned about the current political and economic situation need to focus resources strategically in order to safeguard what's most important.

Today family fitness expert and founder of the blog,, Sarah Clachar offers advice for families on how to strategize for the times ahead . With the re-election of President Obama, moms and dads are steeling themselves for an economy that will continue to go downhill. And in response, she offers advice on how to focus resources and take care of the most important aspects of life.

"As parents watch the tsunami of layoffs growing with an administration that doesn't understand the economy, it's hard not to be worried about the future," says Clachar. "That's why I put together this article. Parents need to believe in their capacity to sustain themselves and their family no matter what comes."
Clachar offers advice on three levels.

First she encourages moms and dads to believe in their capacity to take on challenges.

"One of the biggest sources of stress is our doubts about our own capacity,"says Clachar. "Instead of strategizing, we marinate in our worry. And this disbelief in ourselves is encouraged in this current political climate. So while the fears are understandable, move forward and create a plan and take action. You are more able than you give yourself credit for."

Clachar then underscores the need to focus on relationships and health. As she explains, these two aspects of life are more important than money in the bank. They will sustain families through any challenge that comes.

Finally, she emphasizes the role that exercise, particularly in the form of family fitness, can play in helping families weather stress, take control and strengthen their bodies and family bonds.

"Children sense stress in the household," says Clachar, "So it's essential for parents to take proactive steps to alleviate the tension. There is no better stress reliever than exercise. And when you exercise as a family you spend more time together, take care of each other and strengthen family bonds.

For more information about this strategy or to read the whole article, please go to