Connecticut Plastics, Inc Launches On-Line Learning Center for Students of Chemistry

Introduction to plastics. Plastics in everyday life. THe history of plastic and plastic chemistry. There are links to other sites with info.

Connecticut Plastics, Inc. is a manufacturing company located in Wallingford Connecticut. We provide precision plastic machining services to OEM's. We know that a well educated employee is key to our goal of providing good quality parts to our customers. For this reason we added an On-Line Learning Center to our website. We encourage our employees to use it, but we also realize it can be a great source of information for students, and parents alike.

Our on-line learning center is separated into five sections. The first section provides an introduction to plastics. It discusses the uses of plastics in our everyday life, the history of plastic and plastic chemistry. There are links to other sites with more information.

The second section is the ultimate polymer science guide. It gives the chemical names of some of the plastics that you use every day. How polymers are made, and what is the difference between polymers. There are also links to sites that give more in depth info.

Section three is by far the most popular. It is our ultimate chemistry homework helper,
with over 30 links to sites with chemistry tutorials, resources, and practice tests. These links provide information on chemistry for all age groups. This is a great resource for home schooling.

The fourth section is a page with links to chemistry resources on the web. There are links to commercial and government sites providing excellent information, including the periodic table and chemical lab safety regulations.

The fifth and final section provides information on engineering along with engineering resources. If you are considering a career in engineering, you will find links here to websites about civil engineering, mechanical engineering, aerospace, chemical, electrical and materials engineering. There are links to engineering colleges, engineering organizations and publications.

We hope that you find the Connecticut Plastics learning center helpful.

About Connecticut Plastics, Inc

Connecticut Plastics, Inc
1264 Old Colony Road
Wallingford, CT
