An Interactive Discussion To Help You Find A Wine

Many people who have a hard time enjoying wine don't understand that it's due to sulfites. Thankfully, an upcoming online conversation will help answer all their questions.

As worried as many people are about the artificial ingredients that end up in what they drink, sometimes it is a natural ingredient that may be cause health issues and digestive problems. One such substance is sulfites, a naturally occurring part of almost all wines. Sulfites are also added, in some cases, to help oxidation and prevent spoilage. Through social media, many people have learned that it may have been sulfites that caused a bad experience after drinking even a small amount of wine. There have been very few online conversations, especially fun and easy-going, real time commentary, not boring, dry, clinical sounding dissertations, to discuss the options for those effected. Two women are here to change that on Wednesday May 21st with their tawk "Wine Snobbery for Dummies part XVIII."

"People have one bad experience with wine, they hear about the boogey man 'sulfites,' and immediately think they can never drink wine again," says Ms. Jennifer Finnell, one of the knowledgeable hosts (along with Molly Wolfgram) of the popular and long running tawkshow series of interactive discussions known as "Wine Snobbery for Dummies" that has been featured on on a regular basis since January of this year. "As two people who are excited about wine and having the opportunity to educate people about wine in a fun, creative way, we relish the opportunity to engage wine drinkers, new and experienced, directly and help to demystify a lot of what may be going on."

Ms. Finnell said that one of the most useful tools that is part of their open format discussions is the real time commentary feature that lets people who are following the tawk to chime in with their own opinions, observations and perspectives. Especially when it comes to an issue like the effect of sulfites on a person, one of the people following can type in what their symptoms were, both Ms. Finnell and Ms. Wolfgram will see the comment immediately and people able to address the situation right away.

"Having that immediate connection with the audience is what makes these tawks so effective," Ms. Wolfgram added. "Social media can be great for bringing people together, but it can also spread false information far too quickly. We look to our interactive discussions to stem that tide of bad information and give people a safe and informative place online to get their wine knowledge."

To learn more about sulfites in wine, join Finnell and Wolfgram on on Wednesdays at 9 pm EST. Visit the website to login:

Jack Terry is a writer and blogger who writes extensively about social media and online discussions.