All About PHP and Web - International PHP Conference 2014 in Germany

More than 60 talks on PHP web development +++ International speakers give insights into their best practices

International PHP Conference will bring together PHP developers, people working with the web and IT managers in Berlin from June 1 to 4, 2014. Over four days, International PHP Conference will offer attendees more than 60 presentations on PHP topics and the web at large. More than 50 experts will advise and assist attendees and give specialized advice.

"We are happy that the International PHP Conference is a globally recognized event for the PHP community and an annual meeting point for so many PHP enthusiasts," explains Thomas Wießeckel, member of the advisory board of International PHP Conference 2014 and editor of the German PHP Magazin.

During the main conference (June 2 - 4, 2014) attendees can put together their own schedule from a conference program covering PHP, JavaScript, HTML5, software architecture and more. The day before is "Power Workshop Day" on Sunday (June 1, 2014), which gives participants the opportunity to deepen their knowledge in specific topics. In practical exercises, experienced speakers and trainers will work together with the attendees, showing their current best practices and giving attendees the chance to ask questions and talk about specific problems and possible solutions.

This year International PHP Conference covers the topics:

- PHP Core
- PHP Frameworks
- PHP Data Access
- PHP Scaling & Performance
- Software Architecture
- Agile Methodologies
- Testing & Quality
- Continuous Delivery & DevOps
- Web APIs
- JavaScript
- Frontend Development: HTML5, CSS3
- Responsive Design & Mobile Web
- Web Security
- Data Store Technologies

Alongside International PHP Conference, exhibiting companies will present their exhibiting products and solutions at the expo on June 3 & 4, 2014. Here, attendees will get the chance to socialize and connect with further experts. The main program in the evening will also provide a good opportunity to socialize with speakers, partners and other attendees. Additionally, participants of International PHP Conference can visit webinale ( - a conference that focuses on the design, business and technology of the web and runs from June 2 to 4, 2014 - for free.

Attendees registering for the 3-day-pass till December 19 will receive a free Android tablet and save up to €350 on the price of their tickets.

Find more information about International PHP Conference at

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