ACG Infotech Launches New Feature - Telemedicine Tools with Electra, Hospital Management System

Great relief for EDP managers!! Electra, HMIS from ACG Infotech Limited, offers yet another feature for most innovative deployment scenario. It is now possible for ends users to access the system as Extranet as well.

Great relief for EDP managers!! Electra, HMIS from ACG Infotech Limited, offers yet another feature for most innovative deployment scenario. It is now possible for ends users to access the system as Extranet as well. All you require a double LAN port in the Server and a broadband Internet and you are there from inside and outside.

Electra, HMIS now offers the paramedics to use Android TAB to make the patient related inputs while moving within floors and intra department with doctors on round. The platform independence offers the users a great benefit of using it through most inexpensive Gadgets. This obviates the necessity of usage of paper sheets and data re-entry later. The paramedics can make data entry once for all through TABs.

Electra, HMIS, being DICOM compliant, is proposed to be used as a Telemedicine tools very soon. ACGIL is in the process of setting us a base HMIS thereafter its extension will be setup as remote user (telemedicine). This will require a mobile van with high speed wireless Internet connection (roof mounted RFID antenna or dish) to send/receive data or images to/from a base hospital. Electra, HMIS can then create as many as remote users or Telemedicine centres required at remote locations to connect with Base Hospital for data & images transmissions. This is giving rise to Electra; HMIS will be used for Remote villages as Telemedicine, Tele Radiology and Telepathology tool.

The software system offers proper coordination with the entire hospital management and takes quick decision. It consumes less time, provides fast and accurate information and reduces the headache to manage entire hospital functionality and day to day tasks.

For more details about various Healthcare software solutions, hospital management software, pathology lab software, ERP software and CRM software development services offered by this company, please visit

Contact Information
Company: ACG Infotech Limited
Address: A-146, Sector-63, Noida, UP-201301, India
Phone: +91-9818993537